My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Thursday, June 3, 2010

T minus 4 days

In four days, the moving van will arrive and take away most of my worldly belongings. One day after that, I head south for my next big adventure. The boxes that decorate every room in my house are a constant reminder this is all very real.

This week I spent some time with an amazing woman, my 87 year old grandmother. We ran errands and talked... a lot. Had an interesting discussion about being an I instead of a We and how that changes everything. She had been a We for more than half a century and her life completely changed just over two years ago. And she, regardless of her age and her frail little body, adapted and has found happiness. If there was ever a doubt that this whole move was a good idea, it was wiped away by this little old lady who tried to convince me that bacon was 'good for me'. This woman is treasure in my life and I will miss her dearly.

My day today will begin with an hour massage and continue with a visit from one of my favorites who just happens to be the mother of my soon-to-be godson. Maybe we will pack, go to a park or grab some coffee. Should be a lovely day until she leaves and the car shopping resumes and maybe some more packing. One word for it - exhausting.