My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sun and sniffles

The weather called for thunderstorms all day long today so mama (trying to use the local vernacular) and I did not make many plans.  Instead, it was a radiant 91 degrees today and not a drop to fall from the heavens.  Who knew.  

Unfortunately, I find myself wrestling with a bit of a cold.  Not sure if it is from overdoing it on the move or a bug I have picked up.  Needless to say, I can be cranky when I am sick, tired, hungry, hot, and any combination of those things.  I have a sneaking suspicion that other reason I could be sick is some sort of crazy allergy to my house.  It smells like the man who lived here before was a chain smoker and while my landlord repainted and did a nice job of cleaning up, the scent of him lingers.  We have wiped everything with vinegar and/or ammonia and have sprinkled/vacuumed baking soda throughout the house and added a few citrus air deodorizers.  Cross your fingers that the smell goes away and takes my sniffles and congestion with it.   Luckily I have some antibiotics from the travel clinic leftover from my trip to China and have started taking those today.  Hopefully I will be 100% by Monday.  

We took a drive out to the Green River Lake .  It's about a 20 minute drive from here and quite beautiful.  There is a small section blocked off for swimmers and the rest is for boats and jet skis. It was just so hot and humid today that I couldn't even think about sitting out there for more than ten minutes.. but maybe that is me just being a sick baby.  Needless to say, I will venture out there again.  Could be a nice place to pack a lunch and do some reading.

Then we decided we would take each of the major roads out to see where they went.  Let me tell you - they go to one of two places.  1) churches.  2) farms.  Let me explain.  The nice man at Lowe's the other day gave me a brochure of C'ville.  On the back of the brochure was a listing of all of the churches within the city, just the city and NOT the county.  Guess how many?  Come on..just try to guess.  Give up?  Just about 60 churches.  Yes, 60 churches for a town that is barely 15,000.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.  This must be the thing to do in C'ville and the only way to meet people.  There aren't really any restaurants or places to hang out.  No parks, no patios, no put-put courses.  Nada.  Alas, next Sunday's adventure will be to join the one church that I can.  Stay tuned.  

Speaking of churches, did I mention there is one right across the street from my house?  It's a Seventh Day Adventist Church.  There were about five cars there today, but that's about all the action that I've seen over there.   There is also another one around the corner by the Subway and one on about every other corner after that to add to the 60+ churches.  

If I was home I'd be at the Colony or maybe the Lizard or even Luxe.   If I was home we'd go out for drinks after, ones with real alcohol and made for real adults.  Maybe even end the night  with a drink on my porch or perhaps some dancing.  Alas, Dorothy is not in Kansas anymore.  We struggled to find a place to eat today and ended up at Pizza Hut.  Just seems wrong to go their on a Saturday night. And now we are home and I am putting together my office and probably watching tv later.  

My mom leaves to go home tomorrow.  Have to drive her to the nearest 'city' so she can take her flight home.  She's been such a big help - cleaning and unpacking, making me dinner, and leaving me alone when I am crabby.  Will be sad to see her go, but it's time for me to get on with it.  I'm sure that I will save money, lose weight, and have time to read all those books I've been buying over the years just because there won't be too much to do other than work.  It will truly be an interesting ten months....


Michelle said...

I can't wait to come visit and see this town for myself! I hope you first day at work goes well!

eric said...

Cuz needs a Kindle.