My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Life on the floor

Hey ya'll... sorry, couldn't resist.  So for those of you who are new to blogging (like myself), you can sign up for my blog and follow it.  I believe this will notify you every time I share a bit of myself with the www.  So do it, please.  It makes me feel like there is someone actually reading my ramblings.  And feel free to comment!  So we'll throw some special props to my cousin for being the first one to officially sign up.  He's a peach - I heart him mucho.

So my past three days have been on the floor doing straight up manual labor.  I thought my feet were going to fall off yesterday and that I had sweat out about 5 lbs.  After 10 hours of sleep and a bit of yoga this morning, I'm feeling pretty good today.  It's good to get out there and sweat it out a bit and meet people.  I actually had a really great time on the floor today.  It wasn't nearly as hot as it has been the past few days - did I mention there was no air conditioning?- and I had a nice lunch with my new team.  Good deal.

Let's talk about some C'ville fun things.  I met the guy from Lowe's wife - she works at my site.  She was not what I was expecting but apparently it was a big deal that he met the new HR lady before she did.  She is apparently the expert of a particular process and has a reputation throughout the building.  Small town.  I told my trainer admin that I really liked to cook and would love to have a garden to just pick out of, not actually do the work.  She offered to intro me to her son and daughter-in-law.  She described them as misplaced hippies.  I love them already. 

Apparently it stormed so badly last night that there are mini branches down in my yard.  Have to make a pile so that they can be burned by my landlord.  C'ville has no yard waste pickup and no recycling.  It's very difficult for me to not sort my trash.  I think I will locate the nearest recycling center this weekend and see if it is feasible to do.  I cringe every time someone throws a can or water bottle in the trash.  Speaking of - tomorrow is trash day. I'm sure they will love me with my stacks of cardboard boxes and 10 bags of trash that my mom and I lovingly stuffed.

The cats are doing really well.  Ironically enough, I think my little Maizy is more comfortable here than back in the Heights.  Maybe because it is smaller and all on one floor.  Not sure, but she seems more friendly than before.  The two chase each other around the circle of the living room to the kitchen, through the office and back into the living room.  I was just giving them some dental treats - Mo swallowed them whole.  Defeats the purpose, huh?

So that's about all I have for today. I know, kinda boring.  But I'm living in a town with population 15,000 - what do you want?  :)  


Michelle said...

I've been looking for a place to sign up to follow you, but can't find it! How do I do it?!

new girl in town said...

Not a clue. Sorry pal :(