My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What day is it?

Hey ya'll- 

Today was a rough day.  I woke up this morning and thought, "what the heck am I doing down here?"  My feet hurt, I didn't feel that great about my new project I'm co-leading, and I'm pretty sure that I haven't stopped sweating since I got down here.  But out of bed I went and started my day.

My goal of the blog is not to vent about work stuff... everyone has issues at work and who am I to take up airtime to drone on about issues that will live on forever as long as man continue to interact with each other.  I'm working through all that it means to manage others and be responsible not only for the work but for them.  And you know, given my tenure at it (a whopping 7 days under my belt), I think I am doing alright.  I need to make my own mistakes and need to learn what my own style is.   But the process is frustrating and my challenge is not to show it to the world.  Alas, that is where the work work stuff ends. 

But there is something worth sharing that I was thinking about as I drove home from work.  There is something to be said to the type of person that lives out here in the middle of nowhere, with their hourly job in a warehouse or factory, driving into 'the city' once a month to go to 'the mall', and at the end of the day probably struggles to make ends meet.  These are some of the individuals on my team.  Their lives so different from my own.  Going to college was not an option and maybe not even a desire.  And yet they work hard, even in the heat as it spikes high in the 90s and apologize for cutting a piece of tape in the wrong place.  They apologize for something so small and so irrelevant to the big picture, but they do it because they want to do the right thing.  And at the end of the day, they want to go to the pool or go home, work on their farms if they have it, and be with their family.  For me, the simplicity of it all is perplexing.  It makes me think of how we have complicated our home and work lives so much and I'm not sure if it is for better or for worse.  They are happy, hardworking, kind-hearted people.  Shouldn't that be enough?

But I certainly can't end my post on such a solemn note.  Here's a funny thing I did - they had a meet and greet luncheon for me with all of the managers - two in fact *am & pm shift.   They introduced me and I had the opportunity to say a few words and I ended with "I look forward to working with ya'll".  I said it. I can't believe I said it. I don't know where it came from but it just popped out of my mouth and before I knew it there it was.  And perhaps the most frightening thing - NO ONE SAID A WORD or even blinked an eye.  I think I could have some real fun with this.

Oh and for all ya'll looking to come visit me, after some research I think Southwest is the best way to get to the Louisville airport.  HINT HINT :)

There is a car revving... again and again. I think it's my neighbor working on one of his two broken cars.  Did I mention I have determined he works nights?  Around 3am I wake up every night to a car coming in and out of his driveway.  OOOOOH sounds like he got it started.  I'm going to go be nosey - it seems the thing to do around here - and look out my window to see what he is doing.  

In the meantime, feast your eyes on this beauty that I saw in my work parking lot.  HOT!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, now that is one beautiful vehicle! You should have that done to your SUV. Maybe if you find out whose it is, he/she can get you a deal on something just like that!