My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Monday, June 28, 2010

Running for my life

Imagine this:
You step out on your doorstep to water your plants on your front step.  The morning air is heavy with the leftover rain from the night before.  You bend over to evaluate the necessity of the morning watering when the silence is broken by a large RUFF.  You look up.  Your neighbor from across the street's little sidekick is staring at you from about 50 meters away.  He barks again.  RUFF.  And takes a few steps towards you.  You back up onto the stop of your step and open the screen door, fumbling with the nob.  Looking over your should you see that the little dog is in a trot now and barking full go. RUFF RUFF RUFF.  You make it in the house and shut the door tight, peering out the window until your neighbor calls him back home. Coast is clear.  Did I mention that this pooch is a PITBULL?
Welcome to my morning!

Had a pretty good day at work today.  Have a ton of meetings and calls this week.  But I have a couple of meaty assignments to work on and I'm excited about getting started.  It's been almost a month since I've done work, so I have plenty of energy for it.  

C'ville is gearing up for their annual 4th of July celebration.  Apparently it's a pretty big deal around here with a parade and if the weather holds, a hot air balloon race.  I do hope that happens.  I think it would be pretty cool to watch.  But I'm not sure who actually goes to these things.  There seems to be a strong divide between those that work for my company and the locals.  It's a relationship that is kept at arms length.  I am trying to get an invite from one of my colleagues to go fishing.  I don't really want to touch the fish, but I think sitting on a boat by the lake holding a rod is an appropriate way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

I'm also excited about the local farmers market.  Every Saturday there is a fresh produce stand over by Walmart where they set up.  It's a bit too early to get the good stuff yet, but soon.  I do think I'm going to have to drive up to Louisville for turkey sausage as I cannot find it within the city limits.  Who knew.  I told one of the ladies at work that I was looking for some and she thought I was the strangest thing.  She didn't understand why I couldn't just use pork sausage.  She didn't believe that I thought the turkey tasted better.  Strange yankee girl....

Alas, I'm gonna guess I'm going to be really bored by the end of August. 

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