My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random C'ville occurrances

Just a few strange things about today that I didn't want to lose----

So I went to the post office today to buy stamps to mail some various cards.  It's about 6pm.  I figure the post office will have some sort of machine that I can use to buy stamps even though it's closed.  Wrong.  Just store hours and some drop off bins.  And this was the MAIN library.  Sorry, Dad, your card will be late.

Went to Subway for dinner.  I don't mind Subway - it was easy and it got me out of dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow.  When I was in college they put a drive in Subway in Mentor and I thought it was the coolest thing.  Super high tech.  Want to know what Subway in C'ville has?  A drive thru Subway.  No stamps, but lots of subs.  Go figure.

I tried to pick up some sticks in the yard from the storm the other night and saw a strange little bird sitting in the yard.  It didn't fly away when I walked right up to it and had some flies on it.  I thought it had met its unfortunate fate, but by the time I left and came back from Subway it was gone.  Strange.

Speaking of Subway - there was a woman behind me in line who ordered a meatball sub.  She put it on the cheddar bread and put monterey jack cheese on it.  I thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it.  Until she put lettuce, tomato, olives, cucumber, and MAYO on it.  Um, gross.  Not sure if it was just her or the a local thing..but ewwwww.

And last but not least, I tried to order a part for a refrigerator on Monday.  I didn't get a confirmation number, but it hit my card.  I assumed that it must be in the mail.  Today I tried to call on it to follow up and they had no record of it.  The rep said the charges would simply fall of my card.  Do we think that's true?  Not sure.  But I went ahead and ordered another one.

Trash thing went smoothly.  I had ordered some shoes online since I'm on the go a lot with the new job.  The mailperson must think I live in a not so safe part of town. I found the shoes in my car port buried in between some folding chairs with the lid of the garbage can as a cover.  Now I might not be the brightest person around here, but I think my neighborhood is pretty safe.  There are six or seven buildings on my street counting my house.  Then there is Joe, the church, a hair salon, and a handful of houses.  Pretty sure no one is going to steal my shoes.

My official announcement went out at work today.  Let's just say my new mgr is quite a character.  He included the fact that I don't like marshmallows in it and now every person I run into asks me why I don't like them.  Too funny.  The whole team is actually pretty amusing. There are nine of us in total, 1 more on the way.  Once that person gets here, I'll share an office with one of the other HR managers.  But the people are very friendly and willing to help and are always good for a laugh.  There is an older woman who LOVES to tell me stories - perhaps I'm the only one who has not heard them - and, of course, I humor her and ask her questions and allow her to ramble on and on with her slow Southern drawl.  I'm pretty sure she is going to adopt me soon :)

That's all for now folks.  Get ready for my first real weekend in C'ville... and church!  The things I do for my future-godbaby. 

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