My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Monday, July 5, 2010

Miss me??

Hello world!  did you miss me?  I'm sorry - took a little hiatus and watched too much tv.  I'm well rested and starting to feel a little more at home in C'ville.  Not entirely, but a little more. 

I've been here almost one month.  That's longer than a vacation and shorter than a lifetime.  So I'm at the point where I am missing my friends and family.  I had such a wonderful life in Cleveland, filled with wonderful friends and family.  I always had something to do, whether it was just to order pizza in or go out for the night.  I miss them.  

By the way, the pitbull just came by and peed on my tomato plant.  Maybe that's why it's not doing so well.  I like dogs, but this is a bit much.

I started hanging out with some people from work.  Had dinner at the little cafe and publically humiliated myself this weekend.  So let me tell you about the 4th of July in C'ville.  It's the biggest event in the COUNTY and everyone comes.  Little did I know that I would have any part of it.

So I was at work the other day and the lady in charge of our float asked me if I would be Lady Liberty on the float.  I laughed and kindly declined, but then an email came out that I was excited to do it.  So I thought it was a joke and tried to laugh it off for the the majority of the day.  Then the next morning, my colleague came in and stuck her head in my office to tell me that it wasn't a joke - oh they were serious.  I was tagged to be Lady Liberty and it was announced to the senior leadership team at the morning meeting.  Uhhhhhhh.  what?

I couldn't really back out.  And I don't really know anyone, so what's the harm?  Then I found out they asked another guy to be Lincoln.  Except our Lincoln was 5'5 and blond.  Awesome.  So we stood on our float for about an hour and a half waving at hundreds and hundreds of people.  I didn't even think this many people lived in C'ville.  They were lined up about 15 people back for about 2 miles.  And the parade was huge.  Every tractor, four wheeler, and horse was in the thing. Who would have thought there would be anyone left to watch it?  But there was.  And at the end of the day, I had a funny sunburn and my arm was tired from waving.  I'm pretty sure that it will be in the newspaper and there will be plenty of pics to come. I don't have any yet, but will be sure to post them once I get them.

 I discovered this cute little spa and treated myself to a massage and pedicure today.  The pedicure was so-so, but the massage was heavenly.  I was totally and utterly surprised by this adorable little lady.  I feel like a million bucks.  Wonderful.  Simply wonderful.

I was downloading some photos today and came across a few gems, courtesy of my mama.  See, she tries real hard but something the camera should be removed from her hands.  But sometimes it's best to let her have at it and see what happens.  The attached are of the camo car we saw at the gas station and of my adorable little man, Mo, while we were unpacking the kitchen.  If you are looking for a photographer for a special event, my mom is available for bookings if you want memorable snapshots of time :)

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