My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

It's getting HOTT in here

As we welcome August (yes, I know this happened a couple weeks ago), we welcome the heat.  Not just the heat that I'm used to..the kind that makes you glisten when you walk to the end of the driveway when you take out the trash...but the kind that makes you wonder if you did something terrible and have discovered hell.  We have been clearing 100 lately - just the heat - this past week.  Once you figure the heat index and the heat of the conveyors in the warehouse, we're talking heat indexes upward of 110.  I've never experienced hot like this.  It's pretty miserable.  Now imagine that you have to run all over the place for ten hours and you've got the life of our hourly employees.  My goodness.

Here I would insert my newly acquired C'ville phrase - "Bless their hearts".  Our group says this about everything.  It's actually pretty catchy. 

Some more C'ville craziness... this isn't the happiest story, but I'm just in awe of it.  My colleague/friend got a call from her mother the other night.  Her mother's cousin is a buffalo farmer in a nearby state.  He went out to check on his herd the other night and one of them charged and gourged him.  He died shortly after....death by buffalo.  I didn't even think that buffalo would charge and hurt a person, but my goodness, kill a person?  Never in a million years.  When I think of all the terrible ways that people go, that certainly is one of the worst.  Wow.

Let me think of something on a lighter note.  AH!  So the state fair is coming up and I am making plans to go.  can you imagine this gem?  They have all kinds of animals there and farmers.  I just can't wait. I will be sure to take pictures.

Speaking of... I won't write a lot...just share a few token pics that have been long overdue... Enjoy!

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