My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Homeward bound

Tomorrow I get to pack to come home.  I never thought I would be so excited to get home.  Of course, I will have to log on and probably do some work at some point, but it will be nice to be in my surroundings again.

I do have to say that despite my ability to identify chickens from roosters (but isn't a rooster technically a chicken? i didn't call it a hen, but maybe a rooster is only a rooster and not a chicken?) and my limited vocabulary to C'ville slang, I'm adjusting pretty well.  I am no longer running from T-Bone the pitbull across the street - we are friends now.  AND I have eaten fried green tomatoes.  That has to count for something!  I will admit that when one of our employees came in yesterday I could not understand a darn word he said.  Thankfully my office mate was there for the assist and, though a Baltimore native, has adopted the local dialect.

I went to a local restaurant on Saturday that is apparently a big favorite.  This place was unlike anywhere I had ever been.  It was like Mardi Gras, the flea market, a garage, a toy store, and a farm spawn of a restaurant.  First off, it's in the middle of nowhere.  No, seriously.  You have to drive a good 25 minutes from my house to get there and through a series of farms that all kind of look alike.  There are teeny little signs along the way that were so covered by weeds that I missed half of them.  Thankfully I was not driving.  It looks like a little ranch house...maybe like a little antique store that you would pass in a quaint little neighborhood in the burbs.... until you walk in.  The women that own this place are collectors - all kinds of knick nacky stuff.  Some of it is old and handmade - stuff that my mom would want to save and I would want to throw away because it's just not practical.  Wooden boxes, handmade signs, figurines, dried flowers.  Just stuff.  Then you walk in to the dining room.  And look up.  The ceilings are high and on each rafter is hanging so much crap that it should be a fire hazard.  We're talking dolls, stuffed animals, inflatables, sports flags, hats, sports equipment, mardi gras beads, pictures, albums, streamers, holla hoops.  Anything.  You name it.   Will post the picture next time.  It's amazing.

Despite it's appearance, the place cooks up a good meal.  Lots of deep fried stuff, but some basics too and even something different.  It's good, well priced, and the atmosphere is fun.  Oh, and it's out of the county so you can have a drink with your meal :)

As I am sitting on my bed typing, I can see my shoe rack.  It certainly has filled itself up despite my bad feet.  A sense of accomplishment of finding so many normal shoes has overtaken me.  Ahhhh.   Nice work, Nik.  Go me!

Today I expanded my visual communication project and redid the forms in our HR office.   Clearly another strategic initiative...haha.  But I'd be lying if I said I didn't like a little arts and crafts project.  We color blocked the forms by group and bought some tropical fish folders to hold the forms.  It's bright and cheery.  Does it really matter?  Probably not.  But it's done.  Check check.  Next I get to worry about 5s.. for all you non manufacturer/distribution peeps that means putting tape on the floor.  Well, it is more than that and it is important, but man... no one wants to actually put the tape down.  Not fun.  Oh well.

Oh so get this - our company picnic is next week.  1500 ppl plus.  Should be fun.  Apparently they do volleyball, cornhole, giant inflatable jumpy things, and all kinds of other stuff.  They have a hard time keeping tabs on who brings who and how many people get to come.  It's the biggest event in C'ville other than the parade.  However, I won't be dressing up in any kind of crazy outfit.

There was something else I meant to write about but I can't think of it.  Hmmm.  I will think about it with my eyes closed as I lay in bed.  Good night!

1 comment:

Unknown said... was the company picnic? Did you get lost? I can't imagine a company picnic with 1500 people....I mean how much fried food can one serve for that many people?! When I go to Cville, you'll have to take me to this restaurant that is "far far away" --do I need to click my heels 3 times in order to come home? Tell us about SEATTLE...!