My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friday Eve

I'm not sure where the days go, but did you know that next week is September????  CRAZY!  I can't believe I'm nearing my 3 month mark.  Strange.  The good news is that it has finally begun to cool off and it's actually quite pleasant out.  I had dinner outside today and didn't glisten through it.  The simple pleasures.

I have fallen terribly behind on email, so my apologies if I owe you something. I will get on it this weekend.  Have been trying to keep myself busy with trips out of town and activities.  Will be posting State Fair pics today.  And Lily - I didn't even see the Crispy Creme Burger and I'm pretty sure that I'm ok with that! :)

 So one of my projects has been Visual Management of our office and breakrooms. This doesn't necessarily mean creating the actual communications as much as it mean printing, laminating and using velcro dots to hang things.  If you have never used a velcro dot, I think my company owns stock in them.  We have them EVERYWHERE and we use them on EVERYTHING.  The stick unlike anything I have ever seen.  In fact, that's how we got Abe's beard to stick to his face for the parade.  He had little circles on his face afterward.  But anyway... so it's really a bizarre, not very exciting project that I am not enjoying in the slightest but my boss is extremely passionate about.  It drives my bonkers every day.  Point of the story - he gave my officemate a super hero doll of Elastagirl from the Incredibles.  I believe this was her name - the mom in the movie. Anyone?  I think that's what it is.  Anyways, we were joking that my superhero name would be Laminator Girl.  Little does anyone know that I am the WORST laminator ever.  I can't seem to line it up very well and that part doesn't get laminated, so I just trim it down til it fits.  I can cut a straight line :)

We are thinking of going to the Rascall Flats concert this weekend at the Fair.  If we do, it will be Sunday night.  Tickets are pretty expensive.  I'm indifferent if we go or not, but I do want to wear my cowboy hat at some point. 

The countdown has officially begun to go home. I'm soooooo excited to be going home for the weekend.   I half have it in my mind to go back Thursday night.  Then the week after I get back I head to Seattle for two weeks.  Should be a fun month.  Then it's nose to the ground time.  Cuz clearly I've just been screwing around the whole time I've been here.

I learned a new term today.  Honeywagon.  Anyone know what it means?  We were talking about our Kampers - our retired population that lives in RVs all year and travel for hourly work - and somehow Honeywagon came up.  It's the truck that apparently clears out all of the sewage.  Amazing.

Oh - and I'm also taking suggestions for Halloween costumes.  I'm requiring people to dress up at work to humor me for my birthday.  Alas, if I live down here I may as well make my own fun!  I need to think of something fun.  It is, afterall, the big 3-0 and I will be spending it down here. 

Ok - it's past my bedtime.  I will try to post again this weekend.  Hopefully something post worthy will happen over the next few days.  Take care, be safe.

This little guy had a cool haircut.  Who knew there were such hip chickens?

Unique animals - like the PUPPY
This was adorable - the ducks would run up, grab food, fall into the water and run back around again to climb the ramp.  The busiest exhibit at the entire Fair.
Cake decorating contest.
Woaaaaah balloon art!
Biggest cow ever - in my books, that is
And what Fair would be complete without the Grand Prize baked ham!
there were a lot of pigeons - and rabbits too - but this one had cool shoes.  clearly my favorite
tobacco. arguably the biggest cash crop in the state other than marijuana.
the classic chicken


moons said...

hey city girl, i think that is a rooster in the last picture

Michelle said...

Remember when we used to laminate at Center Street? That was my favorite!

Unknown said...

I'm beginning to wonder if the Krispy Kreme burger actually exists since you have no picture :)! Love the "dots" stuff- totally hilarious....I knew you were useful for somethin'! ha ha ha ha - can't wait to hear about your trip to Seattle - it'll be like a "vacation" compared to Cville....looking forward to coming in Jan/Feb....