My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Alas, I am here!

The terribly delinquent blogger that I am... I've come up for air and joined the land of the living.    It's been a crazy couple of weeks - things have really revved up at work and I've been on the road. 

I spent a week in Seattle and was able to spend some time with my brother.  We enjoyed a Mariners game and a nice dinner out by the water.  It was nice to be out in a city and one with so many things to do.  One of the things that I love about Seattle is it's mellowness.  It's just a good city to hang out in.  You can walk around and go in and out of shops and restaurants and just wander.  It's safe and clean.. at least in my opinion.. and there is no better place to get a variety of cuisines and fresh seafood.  Add the mountains in the background and the lush green landscapes and I think that's a little taste of heaven!

So work has been chaotic.  My team has some interesting dynamics that we are working through... I'm not used to being on a large team and being so involved in so many things.  I'm getting some meaty projects and working with some great people, so I can't complain about much other than the hours.  But I expected that and it's only temporary.  9 more months.

I'm excited that I will get to go home in a month.  Will be nice to relax with friends and family.  I was going to try to be superwoman and hit Pittsburgh and Cleveland in a four days span, but I just don't think I can do it.  I can't go at this pace without having a break soon and by then I will certainly need one.

In local news, there is a guy at work who is transferring to one of our facilities in North Dakota.  Yes, you read that right!  and I thought C'ville was rural!  But this kind man and his wife have offered to give me his farmers market food share for free through October.  How cool is that?  last year when I had City Fresh (look it up Clevelanders!  Best food sharing program EVER!  Support your local farmers!), I was cooking up a storm.  This will force me to take the time to cook and enjoy it again.  Reflecting on my meal of turkey brats and gardienera, this will be a welcome relief. 

I took out my poultry to make chili tomorrow for dinner.  Did I mention that tomorrow is going to be the hottest day of the year?  Hmmmmm

One last plug - I was severely disappointed by my recent trip on Delta.  My flight was delayed and I was sprinting through the Minneapolis airport and didn't get home until very late on Saturday night.  Then they lost my bag...which didn't arrive at my house until today.  Today is TUESDAY.  Then something exploded in my bag and now a bunch of stuff is red.  Not sure where or how, but it's red.  Nice.   So Delta will be getting a letter from me with lots of adjectives. :)

Oh- and for those of you who have been trying to subscribe.. apparently it is a pain the bum.  I've been told that you have to have a gmail account to do so and really, as a gal who has too many email accounts as it is, please do not feel obligated to open one.  Just check my blog every once in awhile :)

Happy Tuesday!  Til next time...

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