My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Friday, July 9, 2010


For a short week, it certainly lasted awhile!  Another 11 hours in the books for the day and my head hurts.  Was a busy, busy day at work.  There are things about being the new kid that are tough.  You never know what you aren't asking, but I continue down the path that I think makes sense.  It hasn't failed me too terribly yet.  The good thing about my company is that they are extremely accepting of risk-taking, change, and a different perspective.  They stress that they hire you because you have an opinion and will literally ask for it all the time.  This has really stretched me as it is now coming from all directions.  It moves fast.  I knew that it would. I was forewarned, but DANG they weren't exaggerating!

A few of you have commented on my somewhat depressed last post.  It's not that I'm sad, really I'm not.  I just have a lot of time on my hands and spend a lot of time appreciating the way that my life used to be.  Not sure that I really did that before.  I'm used to being able to fill my days and nights with endless activities and here it's just not an option.  Most people that I work with all work a lot and really just want to go home to their families.  It's really on the account that I'm single and not so much that I am in C'ville.  But it will get better.  These things take time.

Tomorrow's adventure will take me to Louisville.  I believe that I am going to head to Whole Foods and maybe Costco.  For the first time in my life it's appropriate for me to actually have a Costco membership and stock up on stuff.  Before it was just pure excess.  Here is it necessity, at least in my book.  Yes, I need a giant package of turkey sausage and yes, I need some fromage blanc for the mini cheesecake recipe I am planning on making this weekend.  I'm winning the hearts of my peers by working my way up through their bellies :)  

I did crop some of the 4th of July pics and will get them up here this weekend.  You will all be so proud of me.  I didn't look nearly as ridiculous as I thought I would, maybe even kind of cute.  You judge.

I may be venturing out on the town to night with a colleague from work.  Maybe.  Haven't decided how creepy he is yet.  We'll see....hahaha


Unknown said...

Hi Nicole:

We miss you!!! We are going to read your blog from now on (Cheryl gave us the address). Maybe you'll get a book deal out of it.

Mindy and Jeny

new girl in town said...

Hooray! Miss you ladies! Hope all is going well.