My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Monday, January 24, 2011

I survived!

Not sure that anyone is actually reading this anymore... haven't updated it in forever.  Sorry, I just couldn't get it all to work.  But maybe I will be better about it.  I shall try :)

So what's new... hmm

I survived my first peak at Amazon.  It is so hard to describe.  It's so many things all at once, but I can't sum it all up.  All of our project work ends around Thanksgiving and it's just about executing peak.  Literally, we kind of wait for things to happen to deal with and we support operations in the meantime.  But it's the scale of the operation that is just mind boggling.  You've never seen so many boxes in your life.  You've never seen so many..everywhere.  But it's fun and I like it.

And since peak, we have been so busy at work I can't even see straight.  With our team traveling all the time, I've been putting in more hours now.  So busy.  It's ridiculous. It's like we publish the list of projects and we try to get everything done in the first two months.  Oh well.  We'll see how my last four months play out.

I'm scheduled to start in Seattle the first week of June.  I. can't. wait.  I need to get out of this town.  Yes, I did well for awhile, but I'm done now.  I'm kind of done with the smalltown with not so much to do.  I need just a little bit more.  Am debating taking a class in another town so that I can get out and do something.

Ok, that's all I have for now... Need to get back into the groove of writing about life. Toodles!