My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I is alive!

Hello my friends.  I'm sorry that I abandoned you for awhile.  It's been pretty chaotic with weekend travel and  such... have recently changed my work schedule. I feel like I am working in retail again with my noon to 10pm shift.  Of course, I go in early and stay til 11:30, but details details.

Work is picking up quite a bit.  We officially hit our peak in about a week.  then things just hit the fan and we hope we make it out ok.  All I can say is if you are shopping on Amazon - please order early!  It will be a long 6 weeks for us, but I'm still excited for it.  Then I will sleep.

Other than that, I feel pretty good.  Been working out more than I have in awhile and have tried to watch what I eat.  I went down to Nashville for the night to celebrate my 30th birthday - holy wow!  Can't believe that I am 30... not sure what that means for me yet.  But I do have to thank all my friends and family for the outpouring of love.  I am truly blessed to have such wonderful people in my life.

So yes, in a way my birthday made me kind of sad.  It's hard to build relationships with people down here because I work with half the town.  I'm generally a private person and I don't like people up in my business but down here that's all that they are.  It's just hard to have the kind of relationship that I have when you see someone everyday and work in the environment that we do.  I just don't have the history, the trust, the similarities and the differences that I am used to having. I'm feeling slightly off-balance in that regard.  Just having a funky day, I guess.  So yes, I miss all of you. 

It's looking like I may get to go home for Christmas, but I'm not sure yet.  Should figure all that out this week or next.  Am truly looking forward to spending some time at home when I don't have a thousand commitments and can just sit back and watch a movie or hang out without feeling the need to pick up and drive somewhere else to see someone else.  Plus I will be needing to catch up on sleep as well!

Alright, I'll stop babbling.  Going to go to bed now I think.. it's about that time.  Hope ya'll are doing well.  Bless you!