My new pad in Cville

My new pad in Cville

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ta-da! It's me!

So I didn't forget, I swear.  It's just been chaos all around. 

The picnic went well.  The morning was beautiful and sunny, until 3 pm.  Naturally the picnic was supposed to start at 3pm and naturally employees started showing up at 1:30pm.  At 3pm a monsoon erupted in the skies of KY.  All dark, windy, and downpour rain for about 45 minutes.  It was absolutely insane.  So between running between tents to save our prizes - which were plasma tvs, blue rays, and camping gear - and making sure that our tents didn't blow away.  Shortly after the rain storm, I went home to dry out.  Over 9 hours at the picnic was more than enough.

Then there was Seattle.  Seafood, sunshine and fresh air.  Awesome.  I think I walked five miles a day and didn't really take a cab anywhere.  It was wonderful.  Spent a great weekend with some peeps from Portland - the Jones' - and a day with my bro and his lady.  The first week was an international conference for HR Business Partners and the second week was new manager training. Met a lot of really great people and learned a lot about myself.  I returned to Cville invigorated and ready to take on Christmas. :) or something like that.

So now here I am back in Cville doing the work thing... so far so good.  Been really busy this week and will be the rest of the week.  How many more weeks until Christmas??? 

Wow, so I'm watching Glee and they are doing a Britney special.  They just did a commercial for her new fragrance - it is the worst commercial I have ever seen.  She goes to the psychic and is asked if she wants to know her future.  She response "No thanks, I control my own destiny".  Well of course you do Brit Brit.  You shaved your head, popped out two kiddos, and blew up your career all on your own. Clearly this woman should be the driver of destinies.  I personally think she should have consulted with the psychic and potentially avoided some of those moments.

I'll put a plug out there - if anyone knows any early-in-their career ops peoples let me know.  We are looking for area managers :)